HomeLove - Dating - Relationship 2023
Love - Dating - Relationship 2023
Love - Dating - Relationship 2023

Love - Dating - Relationship 2023

Product Description

Dating Advice For Men: A Dating Guide On How To Be A Better Man, Attract The Women You Want, Have A Spectacular Relationship And Get More From Life.

Dating   Advice For Men

Dating       Advice       On    How To     Be    A         Better       Man,         Attract      The         Women

You  Deserve,   Have A      Spectacular         Relationship      And  Get  More         From Life.

Introduction The   Ultimate  Purpose of   a     Man's    Life

What’s the   meaning    of      life?  What’s   the   point of      it       all?

You       might have asked yourself      this question     a       few   times in      your  life.   And even  if       you   might have found a       possible answer       to      that  question,    it       just   leaves you   with  even more questions.

Is a       man’s life    all     about women?     If       it were, then  why  are    so      many single men monks, priests,       and   voluntary    celibates     some of the    happiest     men  in      the    world? And why are    so      many married      men  some of      the most miserable   men  in      the world?

Maybe  it’s    not    women.      Maybe        a   man’s life    is       all     about success?

So many men  today are    trapped      in      endless pursuits      of      

To get    the    most basic answer       of      all one   that  ALL   of      us      can   agree on     we’ll need to      go     back  to      our    biology.

Biologically,    we’re driven         to      do     only   two   things:


1.   To survive;     and 2.   To replicate.

Survival requires      a       mastery      of      the   martial       arts   the    art    of      war.  And   as   history

has    shown,        wars aren’t won  by     force they’re won  by     preparation.

Meanwhile,    replication  requires      a       mastery of      the    Venusian    arts   the    art    of love. And   to      win   the    game of      love, it’s    not enough       to      be     a       “good person.”     You’ll also   need good game and   discipline.

Notice  something?

Our       two   biological   thrusts        CONFLICT   with  each other.

To         survive,       we    need to      know how  to   defend        ourselves    from others.

To replicate,    we    need to      know how  to align ourselves    with  others         namely, women.

Our       biological   impulses     create         a conflict       within         us.     No    wonder       so many men today  are    confused.

The       key    out    of      this   confusion   is       to first   realize         that  life    isn’t  an     “either or” proposition.

It’s         an     “and” proposition. You   need to master        BOTH survival       and replication.

And       as      a       direct result,         you’ll   master        women,      and   you’ll master   life    itself.

That’s  what a       man’s life    is       all     about.        It’s    the    only  equation     that  leads to        true and     lasting        meaning     the    kind        that  leaves         a       mark on     the    Earth        long  after we’re gone


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